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Coach Surf Online - We are a team of 2 professional trainers accredited with Level II and III by the Portuguese Federation of Surf and Level II by ISA with more than 12 years working together and with long years of Surf teaching and training of athletes of all levels and ages.


Throughout 30 years of surfing and 16 years of teaching and training, we have developed work in various areas in surf and coaching, with excellent results both in the satisfaction and evolution of the athletes / surfers with whom we worked, as well as in the competitive results achieved with National, European and National Team titles.


Through Coach Surf Online, we have as mission to improve your Surfing!


After the analysis of your waves and through a session with direct online interaction by Skype with sharing of our screen, we visualize your waves together and we discuss directly the technical aspects that will allow to evolve more your surfing level, thus providing practical information , clear and personalized to progress and enjoy even more of our so special activity (the lack of a better name).


After the session, you will receive a report with the priority technical points to work on.


Coach Surf Online is designed for surfers of all skills, from those who have the ability to catch waves and cut the green face in a somewhat uncontrolled way to high level and competitive surfers.


The important thing is to have interest, will to evolve, regardless of the profile:

- Surfer who wants to evolve in his Free Surf and enjoy more.

- Surfer competitor who wants to have an opinion of your surf and points to work.

- Father who accompanies the surfer son in his evolution and wants to deepen his technical knowledge of surfing and the surfing of his son.

- Coaches who want an opinion about their athletes.


Just 10 of your waves on a day of reasonable surfing quality to identify details that, if taken into account and worked, will make a difference in the evolution of your surfing. On that day, ask someone to film your waves and send them to Coach Surf Online, mark the session online, and from there ... pull on you, wave after wave!

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